Spring Break at Pathways Learning Academy

Need a plan for your child’s spring break? Look no further! At Pathways Learning Academy, we have a whole week of fun, exciting events planned. It’s a sneak peek of our exclusive Wondercamp! This unique summer camp experience thrills children up to age 12.
And when school lets out, come back! In the summertime, Wondercamp is even BIGGER and BETTER—with weekly field trips included! Ask your center director for details.
Flex Care
It’s easy to spend all of spring break, or just a day or two, at our school. With our unique Flex Care pass, you receive a pre-paid card for five days, with no registration fee! Use your days as needed, based on your schedule. (While you’re at it, think about signing up for summer camp!)
Programs may vary by school. Contact your school director for further details.